My first post on my new blog is going to be dedicated to all the "accept yourself for who you are...every inch of you" and "bones are for dogs, meat is for men" posts. Anyone who has read my previous blog knows that I only ever really blog when I'm fired up about something :P So here we go.
I used to be ALL about those posts. It gave me such a hope that it didn't matter what I looked like because, I mean, the average sized woman in America is a size 14. Guys like curves not "skinny minny's". Woot woot! Now where is my cheese pizza?
If you find that man who "loves meat" because "bones are for dogs", I hope you are okay with probably living a shortened and lesser life. If you find a man who "loves every inch of you", I hope he loves every inch of you when you are diagnosed with diabetes. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just saying. Almost 60% of deaths in the US are linked to obesity. BOOM. We DO have control over that for the most part, ya know?
God created all of us perfectly. He didn't make a mistake on any one of us...we are exactly the way He intended us to be. With that being said, we shouldn't mistake that as an excuse to eat burgers and fried chicken every day.
By no means am I judging so I apologize if it comes across that way. This is the chick who worked at McDonald's for 3 years and didn't go a single day without eating it. I was addicted. I literally couldn't help myself....not that I ever really wanted to. We are brainwashed by a society that centers everything around food! We are surrounded by billboards, TV commercials, adds, etc, that glorify food. We see everywhere happy, thin, beautiful people shoving a huge fried chicken sandwich in their mouths and sippin' on a Pepsi. Food industries stuffing our "food" with addictive but tasty chemicals that we just can't get enough of. Many of those chemicals are put in there because they literally make us (temporarily) happy! And then Pinterest and Facebook posts talking about how we need to love ourselves regardless of our size. EVERYTHING is working against us.
Yeah, we need to love ourselves. We need to love ourselves enough to realize that we are ALLOWING ourselves to be okay with filling our bodies with toxic CRAP. If you really loved yourself, you would get off your Facebook and get off your couch and go for a walk. No. It's not easy. I just had to cancel 4 of my favorite TV series recordings because I simply don't have time anymore to watch them. That SUCKED. But ya know what? I love myself a lot more when I'm sweating my butt off on a run than when I'm sitting on the couch watching Dance Moms.
Our bodies are designed to be healthy and taken care of. VERY few people today know what it feels like to have a truly healthy, functioning body and that's sad. Our bodies don't know how to break down all the nasty chemicals we eat on a daily basis and that is why well over half of America's population is overweight. Well that and our general lack of self control. Because really, I think we all KNOW what we are doing is wrong...or at least have an idea.
Well guess what, peeps? IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS. Whether you know what aspartame or high fructose corn syrup is or not, it's still slowly killing you in some way, shape, or form.
Everyone needs that "Aha!" moment. Most of the time, it isn't until we are diagnosed with diabetes; or cancer; or a heart condition. Even then, some people don't pay attention.
Go ahead and make yourselves feel better by posting those feel good posts on your Facebook wall. People will probably like that more than they like the truth. The truth is, those posts are just bandaids. Well sometimes bandaids just need to be ripped off. Obviously there is a far greater issue. Obviously you are feelin' kinda crappy about yourself. Let me just say that walking out of a store, almost in tears, because I couldn't find a pair of jeans that fit right is FAR harder on me in the long run than saying NO to icecream (or whatever your weakness is).
My body doesn't NEED ice cream. My body doesn't NEED pizza. My body doesn't NEED a 32 oz Dr. Pepper every morning. My body NEEDS nutrition. My body NEEDS to be taken care of.
So that's what I'm doing. No more coddling. No more avoiding the issue. No more pretending that what I don't see isn't going to hurt me.